WIMBY: Wind In My BackYard please!

WIMBY is a Horizon Europe project that aims to battle the NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) effect linked to wind energy development by making information on impacts of windfarms publicly available in an understandable way. Partners from different scientific fields work together in the project to produce datasets on impacts, enablers and constraints of wind development. In the WIMBY interactive map all these datasets come together and are visualised in a user friendly way. The WIMBY map has two main modes: exploration and planning. In the exploration mode users can explore wind related layers on the map, like the mean wind speed, and have a look at the pilot sites of the project. In planning mode users can simulate a wind farm in an area of interest. This tool optimises the locations of the turbines and estimates the resulting positive and negative impacts. The WIMBY interactive map is a good example of a (m)app that matters for society. Wind energy can play a vital role in the energy transition of the EU but faces many challenges like acceptance and misinformation. The WIMBY map can help communicate and raise awareness on the planning process and actual impacts to consider.
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