Hoegroenismijngemeente.be shows land use based on Copernicus satellite images

Discover the area of green, agriculture, water, and sealed areas in your municipality through hoegroenismijngemeente.be. Look up your municipality to see how green it is and compare it with other Belgian municipalities and different years (2017, 2019, 2020). It's free and available in three languages. The platform utilizes Earth observation data (Sentinel-1 and 2). By combining these data with reference datasets, training data, and advanced artificial intelligence techniques, we obtain a classification of 10 land cover classes, which are then reduced to the 4 classes: green, agriculture, water, and sealed. This website was designed by Nazka Mapps to demonstrate the use of satellite images from the European Copernicus program. For the Belgian territory, the raw data from the Sentinel satellites is provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) and further processed by VITO (on behalf of BELSPO) under the Terrascope flag. The platform showcases the true value of satellite data and provides objective information about our environment, society, and economy. This supports governments and businesses in planning sustainable growth.
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