Addressing Climate Challenges: Nazka Mapps’ Climate Action activities

24 july 2024

At Nazka, we are committed to addressing climate change through innovative projects with a global impact. Partnering with various organizations, we actively engage in three climate key initiatives focused on sustainable energy, empowering youth, and enhancing water management. By leveraging technology and local expertise, we aim to foster resilience and create actionable solutions to climate

The Government of Flanders is committed to helping countries around the world tackle climate change through international climate financing. Since 2021, they’ve launched four consecutive calls through the Flanders International Climate Action Programme to support essential adaptation and mitigation projects in developing nations. These efforts are key in implementing effective climate policies, strategies, regulations, action plans, and technologies.

At Nazka, we specialize in building advanced interfaces and applications that make data accessible, actionable, and impactful across various industries. Our team of web application developers, geographers, and bio-engineers is now involved in three important Climate Action projects aimed at tackling climate-related challenges in different countries.

Extracting Energy from Rivers and Lakes in a Sustainable Way (Colombia)

This project evaluates the potential of micro-hydropower and aquathermal heating and cooling from various water bodies in Colombia, which are often overlooked in the renewable energy sector. By analyzing specific criteria, the team determines which rivers and lakes are most suitable for harnessing energy. The initiative aims to provide a comprehensive feasibility study, an overview of relevant local and regional legislation, and detailed mapping of river energy potential. The knowledge gained from this project is shared through lectures, training sessions, and workshops to empower local engineers, environmental organizations, and government officials.

Youth as Climate Champions for Resilient Communities (Malawi)

  • Project Partners: Plan International Belgium (prime) and Malawi, Climate Scale, Nazka Mapps
  • Project Link: Youth Climate Champions

This initiative focuses on empowering the youth of Malawi through customized education and awareness programs that address climate change adaptation, with an emphasis on gender equality. At the same time, parents and community leaders receive training to enhance the program's effectiveness. The team creates an app that connects local climate data with actionable adaptation strategies, ensuring accessibility both online and offline for varying literacy levels. By educating 60,000 individuals about climate risks and adaptation strategies, this project encourages active participation in policy discussions and supports Malawi's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Climate-Resilient Water Management in Lake Tanganyika and Lake Kivu, East Africa

This project aims to establish a transnational environmental monitoring system in the Lake Tanganyika and Lake Kivu region to implement effective climate adaptation measures and ensure water quality. The team develops an online demonstration platform that provides crucial information to a diverse range of users, fostering collaboration among stakeholders to define the framework and operational needs of the environmental monitoring system. By building a cohesive community that includes government representatives, academic institutions, and civil society, the project compiles existing knowledge and creates a roadmap for an accessible monitoring platform while enhancing the skills of local managers and researchers regarding environmental monitoring and climate adaptation implementation.

Through these Climate Action Projects, Nazka is committed to providing innovative solutions and collaboration to combat climate change challenges in Colombia, Malawi, and East Africa. By combining technology with local expertise and actively engaging communities, we hope to make a real contribution to a more sustainable and resilient future for all!


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